IUI stands for IntraUterine Insemination. We process the donor sperm into IUI units which are then inseminated directly into the uterus at a fertility clinic. IUI treatments are recommended for women with no known fertility issues.
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is a type of fertility treatment that involves inserting sperm from for example a donor directly in the uterus during a woman's time of ovulation. IUI treatments are recommended for women who are not aware of any fertility issues. Clinics often prefer to use IUI units for this type of insemination.
The process begins in our lab, where donor sperm is processed into IUI units. During this step, dead sperm and other cells are removed, and a preservative is added to freeze the sperm at optimal pH levels. Once processed, the IUI units are ready for use at the fertility clinics without requiring any further preparation.
The success rates for (IUI) can vary depending on various factors such as age, the cause of infertility, the sperm quality, health, and the number of cycles attempted.
When your fertility clinic receives the IUI units, the sperm is ready for use and does not need further processing before insemination. The donor sperm is placed directly into the uterus during ovulation by passing a catheter through the cervical canal. With this form of treatment, more sperm cells can reach the egg in the fallopian tubes and consequently, more sperm is available for fertilisation.
IUI is a less invasive procedure compared to more complex fertility treatment options like In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). It is particularly suitable for individuals with unexplained infertility or those where the male partner has a low sperm count. As the sperm in the insemination procedure is directly placed into the uterus when you ovulate, it bypasses potential barriers that may hinder sperm movement in natural conception helping to achieve pregnancy.
We recommend that you always consult your fertility clinic or fertility specialists to find the treatment plan that suits you the best.
Selecting the right sperm donor is important. By partnering with our sperm bank, you gain access to a diverse pool of carefully screened donors, ensuring the best possible match for your specific needs and preferences.
When you order donor sperm, you can rest assured that you will receive sperm from a healthy donor When you use donor sperm for your IUI treatment, the high-quality quality sperm will hopefully increase your chances of a successful pregnancy.
We always recommend ordering MOT20+ units for IUI treatments. The MOT20+ units are specially designed to contain a high concentration of motile sperm, which significantly improves the chances of successful fertilisation. By opting for MOT20+ units, you increase the likelihood of conception during the IUI process.
To ensure your desired donor is available to you throughout your treatment - and for siblings later on – we recommend that you purchase IUI units ahead of your treatment and store them in a Donor Storage Account with us.
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